"...respect to someone but look at the world there are people in jail every day new residents of jails that have just done something terribly violent ..."
"...respect it's outrageous help me ..."
"...respect anton for all the great work he's done give him some kudos give him some benefits some respect and some joy ..."
"...respect your work sometimes why do i respect this though? ..."
"...respect show your self-respect and love history is not justified but it is convincing ..."
"...respect and legitimacy white men who say nigger are the niggers of the political debate their rights don't matter their message doesn't matter the..."
"...respect with which they succeed to divide and conquer us and exploit us and damage us so what is negaritarianism? what is niggering? try and take som..."
"...respect i gave my step parents so much respect i gave my step parents so much respect and my stepdad deserved it and my stepmom is who she is but ..."
"...respect the correctional officers feeding them and cleaning up after them using other inmates usually but sometimes using the officers it's importan..."
"...respect as a parent i need to have access to my daughter to be a parent her mother could just disappear am i supposed to move every time she moves ca..."